Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sekatenan in Yogyakarta

Sekaten is a preliminary ceremony of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad in the environment of Yogyakarta Palace and Surakarta (Solo). In addition to commemorating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, sekaten also used by the King / Sultan to communicate with people and to give thanks to God's blessing.

Sekaten also often regarded as the People's Party. Sekaten Night Market is a local tour event whose existence was so eagerly awaited by the people of Yogya and Solo.

Usually one week before the closing, Kanjeng gamelan Kyai Kyai Gunturmadu and Kanjeng Nogowilogo removed from its storage place in Sri Manganti to be placed in the ward and then transferred to Ponconiti grand mosque yard with a convoy of abdi dalem (court officials) to be sounded every day except Friday . Another requirement is to eat betel nginang alias believed to make a young, red egg aka abang egg as a symbol of life, there is also sego tasty (rice uduk) is interpreted as a request that the upcoming crops succeed, then there is also whips (whips ) which means to try.

At the closing ceremony Sekaten, gamelan will be drawn back into the palace accompanied by courtiers. as the climax of the sekaten "grebegan". where there will be 4 "mountain" (a pile of food that resembles a mountain) which will be distributed to the people who believed to bring fortune.

At the end of the procession will appear 4 mountains (Mount Kakung, Estri, Gepak and Pawuhan), where the mountains are brought from the palace and will be a bone of contention residents. Previously, 1 mountain (kakung) brought to the area accompanied by a bodyguard Pakualaman elephants and other troops for grabs people. The other 3 mountains will be brought to the mosque gedhe as an offering to the people of Yogyakarta. There is a myth that says that when he got the blessing mountain will come to us. So that people would expect a blessing to scavenge the rest of the mountain that is not drawn.

Long before the "core", the local authorities have warned people who crowded and jostled for the order. Even been warned that his mountain fighting after the prayer offered. However, when entering the mosque gedhe Mount community has urged for progress. Whereas the existence of these mountains are still outside the mosque complex. But it often happens even totally out of control, before the prayer over the people's fight for hope Mount blessing.

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